Thursday, May 1, 2014

Throwback Thursday

I realized earlier this week that I just past 3 years posting here.  I cannot tell you how much I enjoy it.  I love looking back and seeing how much Hannah and Ethan have grown and learned over the last 3 years.  I've also noticed that I need a professional editor.  I have never claimed to be a fantastic writer and I am definitely a terrible speller but I do enjoy keeping a running tally of what we are up to around here.  One day I would love to have my posts put into a book form (wink wink Andrew) in case the internet goes down permanently in the future. :D

One of the the things I am very thankful for that comes out of having this blog is the ability to share part of our lives with those we love that don't live near us.  Also I very much appreciate all the comments and encouragements.  I mean it.  I read them and it means an awful lot to me.  Lastly,  it is a source of accountability personally.

Here is a throwback to the last 3 years:

2014: Preschool Week 28 (WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014)

(Hannah 5, Ethan nearly 4)
This post was from yesterday and as I look at the picture above they look so grown up I can hardly stand it.

2013: Week 28 Letter X (TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2013)
(Hannah 4, Ethan nearly 3)
This past was from exactly a year ago but in my mind it was earlier this month (time flies).  A year ago Hannah was still letting me do her hair every morning and Ethan's favorite shirt was his blue airplane shirt.  The both still have their baby chub cheeks.  Ohh how I miss the squishable baby cheeks.

2012:  U wrap up and V preview (TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2012)
(Hannah 3, Ethan nearly 2)
2 Years ago we were still using our letter boxes (which I am excited to use with Ben next year).  Activity time was often done with just a diaper on and sitting directly ON the table, Ethan was bald and Hannah had sweet curls.

2011: Letter B activities (THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2011)
(Hannah 2)
3 years ago Hannah and I started out playing ABC games up in her room while Ethan napped.  Not only could I do her hair in the morning but I could dress her in the sweetest dresses.

and this one
(Hannah 2, Ethan nearly 1)
Ethan was so little (and looks so much like Nathanael).

I am so sentimental.......

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